Trained Cleaning Professionals
Resolve Janitorial Solutions Cleaning professionals are fully trained on our policies and procedures, both upon initial employment and on-going to ensure they continue to meet our high standards. Our training focuses on:
Traditional Janitorial Cleaning
Medical Cleaning
Green Cleaning
Disinfection Cleaning

The Resolve Training Standards
We provide extensive, on-going training in the latest cleaning techniques to address the needs of our customers. Our internal multi-layered quality control process ensures superior results every time from every employee.
Traditional Cleaning Training
Our team is trained the Resolve Janitorial way from the very beginning, starting with the basics of proper cleaning techniques and equipment handling.
Dual Pass System Training
No matter the size of your facility, our team works together to clean and inspect each room twice, making sure each area is double inspected to ensure maximum cleanliness.
Continued Cleaning Education
We never stop training our employees. Each team member is trained not only in the latest cleaning techniques, but also in other areas such as customer service and account management.
Bloodborne Pathogen Cleaning Training
Each cleaning professional goes through an extensive Bloodborne Pathogen training to ensure comprehension of medical-grade cleaning procedures to eliminate the spread of virus and infection.
Our Areas of Cleaning Expertise
Your Resolve Janitorial cleaning service come with highly trained and professional cleaning technicians, customized cleaning schedules, and assigned account managers to ensure you receive consistent and reliable services including: